2023年4月25日 星期二

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A devout lady, had been bereaved of her brother, grieving at the loss, afflicted at the thought that he had been a very good Christian, she had a dream == She saw Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, who consoled her and said, 'RECITE TWO HUNDRED ROSARIES AND YOUR BROTHER WILL PASS AT ONCE INTO PARADISE.' When the lady woke up, she reflected on the dream, but decided that it was only a dream and no more. Then the next morning she set out on a trip to see Padre Pio. As soon as she met Padre Pio, without thinking of the dream, the lady weepingly asked him where the soul of her brother was and what she ought to do for him. Padre Pio answered at once, "And did I not tell you last night? Pray two hundred Rosaries and your brother will pass at once into paradise."

• One day Padre Pio gave a Rosary to a spiritual daughter, remarking to her with a trembling voice, 'I AM ENTRUSTING YOU WITH A TREASURE. KNOW HOW TO VALUE IT. LET US EMPTY PURGATORY.' The Rosary has extraordinary power to hasten the deliverance of souls from Purgatory and to bring them great relief and comfort.




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