St Charbel.
Why do human beings have to descend when the path of the Lord ascends? People are loaded down with many burdens that bend their backs so much that their foreheads touch the ground , preventing them from standing up and raising their heads to see the face of God.
Jesus Christ is the only one capable of liberating all human beings from their burdens, for a slave cannot set another slave free.
Your happiness does not come from men who cannot offer it to you, because they do not possess it, and because no one can give what does not belong to him . Jesus alone is able to give you true happiness.
If a human being is not transformed by love, he dies, for God is love, a love that is eternal. Let him fill your hearts and let humility govern your minds. Pray and be converted. Pray to Jesus Christ, he will hear you prayer; open your hearts to him he will enter in and give you peace. Pray from the bottom of your hearts without ceasing.
When you know Christ, you will know the truth and you will be free. Christ wants you to be free. Have no fear, take courage, know that Christ has conquered the world.