2024年1月20日 星期六

Renounce satan by virtue of baptism

 "The Christian has an obligation to pursue holiness, by virtue of his baptism. He has to fulfill the promises of his baptism: "I renounce Satan, his scandals, and his sins, and I attach myself to Jesus Christ forevermore." That is not a vain promise but something very serious! As the priest places the white veil on the child's head and gives him the candle, through his godfather and godmother who represent him, he says, "Keep the commandments of God and you will have eternal life. Keep the purity of your soul intact like this white garment in which you are clothed." That is the obligation which the Christian assumes for all of his life, wherever he may go, even if he remains in what we call the world. He is in the world but he should not be of the world."

⚜️Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre




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