2024年1月20日 星期六

Meaning of consecration


We are used to hearing from the scriptures "Offer yourself as a living sacrifice, do not conform to the standard of the world..." Rom.12:1-2, this is the dedication of one's life to God's pleasure and service. i.e to sacrifice oneself or the substance of one's life, time, efforts, resources, and sometimes, one's life as an example of love of Jesus Christ. 

Therefore, consecration means making sacred. Setting something or someone apart for holy purposes. A technical meaning of consecration is that one is to set oneself apart from evil, turn to the Lord, and be willing and ready to be used by God. 

Consecration plays important role in growth toward God. It has two parts: man's part and God's part. Man's part is the practical side of consciously separating ourselves from sinful living. God's part of our being consecrated, is to prepare us for His use by actually making us holy. This preparation for holy use may sometimes involve some things seemingly unfavorable to the self, e.g; poverty, detachment or renunciation of the self, loss of fortunes, etcetera. God has to prepare not only the soul but also the body for use in His ministry.

Total Consecration: setting someone apart for holy purposes totally (i.e. for all times, in all things and in all places) without any reserve. God is the One who inspires us to totally give ourselves to Him and all consecration is ultimately to God alone. 

God, however, does not do anything in us or to us without our consent, our free will.

Dear soul, why distancing yourself from HOLINESS? Why giving sin chances? Why waiting to sin for some while ? Why not challenge sin and see God take His part? Why thinking that you are too sinful to consecrate? Come on and face your fear. Why make sin, your killer-your friend while God your Maker and Lover is your enemy?

Probably someone died today, who knows the next?

Render your heart to Mary Queen of all Hearts, and she will render it onto her Son. 

May the Lord help us.




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