"My child, some persons are seriously tempted to disbelieve what my Church teaches. Such temptations are often caused by the devil, the enemy of Truth. He disturbs my followers because he hates and fears their way of life. He does not bother habitual sinners in this way because he captures them through other sins. Satan inspires many wrong doctrines among those who do not know My Church. Under the appearance of good, these errors appeal to many. Keep close to My Church, and you will never fall into Satan's trap. Whoever disagrees with the word of My Church, disagrees with Me. If you are tempted in this manner, do not become anxious and troubled. Do not let doubts rob you of your peace. Simply put your trust in My Church, and the enemy will be put to flight. Believe My Apostles and their successors. I have guaranteed them from error. "He that hears you, hears Me" I told them. Their work is to continue to the end of time. Submit yourself to Me by faith. I want you to know My truth. I will add knowledge to your soul by grace whenever it is necessary for you. I do not require great learning, nor a deep understanding of My holy mysteries. What I ask of you is a strong faith in My words and a virtuous life".
#MyDailyBread chapter 54.
Remember, the church is not built on the sentiments of men but on the Truth revealed by the Lord Jesus Christ and passed down through his ministers, and NO minister can change the teachings of the Church; not even the Pope. Remain faithful as the heavy wind continues!