Hell Is More Terrible Than People Believe
Text of Exorcisms
August 14, 1975
E= Exorcist
J= Judas Iscariot, a human demon
A= Akabor, a fallen angel, from The Choir of Thrones
A: There is more that I must still say.
E: Speak the truth in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, the most Blessed Virgin Mary
A: Yes, in Their names, and in the name of the Thrones from whom I came, I am forced to go on speaking. I must speak.
E: Tell the truth
A: I was a member of the Choir of Thrones. I, Akabor, must speak (his breathing is gasping; he cries in a terrible voice). I must say how terrible Hell is. It is much more terrible than anyone could believe. God's justice is terrible, so terrible (he moans and groans).
E: Continue to tell the truth in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Conception.
A: Hell is so much worse than you imagine - you do not think deeply enough to comprehend. God's justice... naturally, His Mercy is available... but this requires many things. You must have great confidence, say many prayers, go to Confession. You must do everything according to the old ways. Novelties cannot be allowed to come in easily and wantonly.
J: Oh, this despair! This frightful despair! How frightful it is! You have no idea how cruel Hell is ! You have no idea how horrible it is down there! You don't know what it is like! (He moans and sighs) I have a frightful corner! Such a frightful corner, down there! If is frightful!... For the love of Heaven, do everything in order to reach Heaven, even if it means enduring torture for a thousand years on the rack (he moans). Listen to me, there is more I must say: Even if you had to remain a thousand years on the rack, stand fast, stand fast!... Hell is horrible , it is horrible! Nobody knows how horrible Hell is! It is much more atrocious than you imagine... it is appalling... so appalling! (Judas pronounces all these words in a spine-chilling, jerky, faltering voice of unutterable despair)
E: Have you said everything now, in the name of Jesus?
J: I must still say, although I would much prefer not to: There are so many people... who no longer believe in Hell... but...but (menacingly) it is there! There is a Hell, and it is frightful!
(He howls and wails) Oh!... if I were able to come back...if I could come back! ... Oh...Oh! (indescribable cry)
E: Depart from her, depart from her, in the name...!
J: Oh! I would prefer not to go back down there. Have pity... let me stay in this woman!
E: Depart from her, in the name...!
J: What are you thinking of!... Down there, it is much more frightful, it is much more frightful!... Oh! Oh! (he howls) Tell that... tell that to all the young people, to all the heretics, tell it to absolutely- everyone. THERE IS A HELL! (In piercing, spine-chilling tone)
Source: Warning From Beyond