2022年12月29日 星期四

purgatory, charity

 From The wonderful secrets of souls in purgatory by sister Emmanuel


Q; well, Maria, I am now thinking of the good thief , the one who was on the cross beside Jesus. I would really like to know what he did, for Jesus to have promised that he would be with him that same day in Paradise.

He accepted with humility his suffering, saying that it was just . He encouraged the other thief to accept it too. He had the fear of God. That is to say , he had humility.

Another beautiful example , Maria simma told us , show how a good deed can redeem a sinful life in a very short time. Let us listen to her own words.

" I knew a young man about 20 years old. He lived in a village near mine. This village had been severely hit and devastated by several avalanches which killed many people. It was in 1954.

One evening this young man was at his parents' home, when a terrible avalanche fell near the house. He heard shrill cries, agonizing shouts asking:" help us ! save us ! come to save us! ... we have been swept away by the avalanches!..."

Immediately the young man got up and rushed down to help those people . But his mother , who had heard the cries, stopped him from going by shutting the door and saying :" No , let other people help them but not us! It is too dangerous, I do not want another dead person. " But the young man who had been impressed by those cries and really wanted to help those people. pushed his mother aside and said," Yes, I am going. I cannot let them die like this!" and he went out. But then he too got swept away by an avalanche and was killed....

Two days later , he visited me ( Maria simma) during the night and told me, " Have three masses said for me and I will be free from purgatory. " I went to infor his family and friends. They were very astonished to hear that he would be freed from purgatory after only three masses. One of his friends said ," I would not have wanted to be in his place at the moment of death , if you had seen all the depravities he had commited...!"

Later that young man told me ( Maria simma) , I did an act of pure love by risking my life and giving it up for those people. and it is precisely for this, that the Lord welcomed me so quickly into Heaven. Yes, it is true, charity covers a multitude of sins."

In this story we can see that a single act of unselfish love was sufficient to purify that young man from a life of depravity , and the Lord, taking advantage of this sudden act of love called him to Himself. In fact, Maria said that maybe this young man would never have had another opportunity in his life to do such a great act of love, and that he might have become a wicked man. The Lord, in His mercy , called Him just at the very best moment , the purest moment because of that act of love . 

purgatory, go straight to heaven

 From The wonderful secrets of souls in purgatory by sister emmanuel


Q: Well, Maria, can you tell us who are those who have a better chance to go to paradise straightway?

Those who have a good heart , good towards all. Love covers a multitude of sins.

Q: Yes, it is st. Paul saying this. What can we do on earth to avoid Purgatory and to go directly to Paradise?

We have to do much for the souls in purgatory. Because they also help us . It is necessary to have great humility. This is the greatest weapon against the evil one. Humility eliminates evil.

At this point I cannot resist the desire to quote a very beautiful story oof Fr. Berlioux( who wrote a good book on the souls in purgatory), regarding the help offered by these souls to all those people who help them with prayers and intercessions.

" It is said that a person particularly friendly with the souls in purgatory had consecrated her life to interceding for them.

When she came to the hour of her death, she was attacked furiously by the devil who saw that she was on the point of eluding him. It looked as if the entire abyss , allied against her , was surrounding her with its infernal troops.

The dying person had been fighting for some time with the most terrible effort, when suddenly she saw unknown people resplendent with beauty entering her flat. They put the devil to flight and , coming closer to her bed, addressed her with celestial words of encouragement and consolation. Filled with joy, and with a deep breath she shouted , " who are you ?" " who is doing me so much good ?"

Those good visitors replied," we are residents of Heaven, who through your help have been conducted to celestial bliss, and who in turn come now with gratitude to help you from this place of anguish in order to introduce you to the joys of the Holy City."

With these words the face of the dying woman became enlightened by a smile, her eyes closed and she fell asleep peacefully in the Lord. Her soul , pure as a dove, when she presented herself to the Lord of Lords, found many protectors and advocators among the souls she had helped to free. Being recognised worthy of glory , she entered triumphantly amidst a burst of applause and blessings from all those she had helped to free from purgatory."

May we one day have the same good fortune! It is necessary to say , then , that the souls we have helped to free through our prayers are extremely grateful. I warmly recommend that you experience this, they help us, they know our needs and obtain many graces for us.

2022年12月28日 星期三

Purgatory , role of Mary

 From: The wonderful secrets of souls in purgatory by sister Emmanuel.


Q: Maria , can you tell me what is the role of Our Lady regarding the souls in Purgatory?

Yes, she often visits them to console them , by telling them that they have been good in many ways and to encourage them.

Q: Are there any special days in which she liberates them ?

Yes, especially on christmas day. All saints and on Good Friday, as well as on the day of the Assumption and of the Ascension of Jesus.

Q: Maria , why do we go to Purgatory? What sins send souls more frequently to Purgatory?

They are sins against charity, against love for our neighbour, hardness of heart , hostility, slanderm yes, all those I know that slander and defamation are among the gravest sins and require a long time of purification.

On this subject Mary offers us an example which had greatly struck her and which I wish to share with you .

It has to do with a man and a woman about she had been asked or information on whether they were in purgatory.

Much to the surprise of those who had asked her , the woman was already in paradise and the man in purgatory. As a matter of fact , the woman had died after having an abortion , while the man had gone to church very often and apparently had led a life of much dignity and piety.

Maria then enquired again, thinking she had been mistaken, But not at all , it was exactly like that : they had practically died at the same time, but the woman had sincerely repented of what she had done and she had been very humble; while the man , although religious had always been complaining , running down people criticising . This is why his purgatory had been so long. Maria concluded by saying: One must not judege according to appearances.

Other sins against charity are certainly all our rejections of people we do not love , our refusal to forgive and to be at peace with others, and all the grudges we keep in our heart .

On this subject too , Maria told a sotry to ponder upon, It is the story of someone she had known very well. This person died . It was a woman and she was in purgatory, suffering terribly .

When this woman came, Maria asked her the reason why; and the reason was that she had a friend for whom she had felt deep hostility; and although this had been provoked by herself , she had kept this grudge of hers for years and years. Whenever her friend, on several occasions, had come asking her to make friends again, she had always refused, when she became very ill, she still carried on keeping her heart closed and refusing to make peace with her friend as she was asked to do . Even on her deathbed, her friend had come beseeching her to make peace; but even on her deathbed she had refused to do so ; This is the reason why she was now suffering tremendously in purgatory and asking for Maria's help .

This is a very significant example of the grievousness of keeping a grudge, With regard to our words, one could never say sufficiently enough how criticism , a spiteful word, could truly kill a person; and on the other handm how a good word could heal a person.

Purgatory , what is purgatory

 From The wonderful secret of the souls in purgatory by sister Emmanuel.


At this point we ask the fundamental question : what precisely is purgatory?

I would sat that it is a clever invention of God . Here I would like to suggest something of my own.

Try to imagine that one day a door opens and a being of extraordinary beauty appears , as such beauty as you have never yet seen on this earth . You are fascinated, even perturbed by this BEING  of light and beauty , especially as He is showing such immense love for you ( something you could never have imagined ) ; you will also notice that He has a great desire to attract you to Himself and to embrace you . The fire of love , already  burning in your heart , certainly urges you to throw yourself into his arms. But , at this precise moment , you become aware that you have not washed yourself for a long time; that you smell ; that you are very ugly , that your nose is dripping ; your hair is greasy and sticky , and your clothes covered with stains.... and so on. At this point you , yourself , say: NO  , it is not possible that I present myself like this! First of all , it is necessary that I go and wash myself , take a shower, and then I will immediately come back to Him ...

But then this love born in your heart is so intense , so strong , so burning that the delay in having to take a shower is totally unbearable. The pain due to his absence is a strong burning of the heart , although it may last only a few moments. The terrible burning in your heart is certainly in proportion to the intensity of the revelation of love; it is a flame of love....

Well, this is purgatory . It is a delay due to our impurities; a delay before God's embrace; a flame of love which makes us suffer terribly ; a waiting , a longing for love. It is precisely this flame, this burning longing that purifies us from all our impurities. Purgatory, I dare say , is a place of desire, of a mad desire for God. For that Go we have already met and seen , but to whom our soul is not yet united.

The souls in purgatory speak frequently to Mary of this great desire, this thirst for God that they experience , and of how this desire is profoundly painful, it is a real agony.

Practically, Purgatory is a deep crisis, a crisis due to God's absence.

2022年11月16日 星期三






分為全 (indulgentiae plenariae) (indulgentiae


(《法典》993 條)

獲得大赦的條件 ( 2)




() 妥當告解:信友必須個別地辦告解,並完整地告明罪過 (參照《法典》960 )

() 善領聖體:在聖祭禮儀中領聖體較佳,但為獲得大赦,單單善領聖體已足夠。

() 為教宗的意向祈禱:信友可以按教宗的意向誦念 天主經及聖母經各一遍,

亦可自行選擇誦念任何其他經文 (為不便「誦念」的殘障人士,「默禱」已足


如信友對罪惡仍有所依戀,或未完全符合以上三個條件,或未完全履行規定 的善工,則僅能獲得有限大赦。



(1) 妥當告解,尤其是領聖體及為教宗的意向祈禱,較適宜於履行善工的當日滿全,

但這些條件亦可在履行規定的善工之前或之後數日 (即大約二十日) 內滿全。

(2) 為獲取數個全大赦,一次告解已足夠,惟領聖體及為教宗意向祈禱的條件,必


(3) 如非明文規定,按本份應當履行的善工,不得用以獲取大赦;惟修和聖事所指

定的補贖,如適逢為可獲取大赦的善工,則可同時視為修和聖事的補贖及大赦 善工。

(4) 若按教會規定,信友藉著履行某項善工可獲有限大赦,則他們若起碼以懺悔精 神履行該項善工,不但可相稱地獲得罪過的暫罰的赦免,亦可藉著教會的幫助,


(5) 信友可獲得有限大赦或全大赦,以幫助自己或亡者 (defunctis applicare ad

modum suffragii),但不可用以幫助其他在世的信友。(比照《天主教法典》994 )

(6) 信友每日只可獲得全大赦一次 (然而臨終的信友,即使已於當日領受全大赦,


(7) 聽告解司鐸,得為那些合法受阻的信友,「改換 (commutare)」為得大赦所規定 的善工和所要求的條件。

(8) 教區教長 (Ordinarii loci) 得批准那些隸屬他們,並因實際環境不可能或極困難



(9) 為獲得「公共誦禱」所給予的大赦,聾或啞的信友只須在其他在場信友公開誦




可獲得大赦的善工 ( 3)


可獲得大赦的善工 ( 3)


(1) 閱讀聖經:如有充分理由 (例如,為知識水平較低者),可由他人誦讀出來或借助

視聽工具。須至少持續半小時,否則只可獲有限大赦。(n. 30 §§1-2)

(2) 誦念玫瑰經 (n. 17 §1, 1°-2° ):須連續而不間斷地誦念及默想其中五端奧蹟,即歡


(i) 個別地或集體地在教堂 (ecclesia) 或小堂 (oratorium) 內誦念;

(ii) 與家人、修會團體、善會一起誦念,或在一般信友聚會時誦念;

(iii) 以視聽工具,遙距並虔誠地伴隨教宗公念玫瑰經。

(3) 朝拜聖體(須至少半小時,否則只可獲有限大赦)。(n. 7 §1, 1°)

(4) 聖體出遊 (n. 7 §1, 2°-3°)

(i) 於聖週四,參與「主的晚餐」彌撒後的「恭移聖體」隆重禮儀,並虔誠地詠唱 或誦念「皇皇聖體」頌;

(ii) 於基督聖體聖血節,在聖堂內或外面,參與聖體遊行。


(5) 參與慣常在聖體大會 (Eucharisticus Conventus) 終結前舉行的隆重聖祭禮儀。(n. 7

§1, 4°)

(6) 初領聖體,或參與初領聖體的禮儀。(n. 8 §1, 1°)

(7) 司鐸於晉鐸後主持首祭,或信友虔誠地參與該項首祭。(n. 27 §1, 1°-2°)

(8) 司鐸在晉鐸二十五、五十、六十及七十週年當日;或主教在晉牧二十五、四十及五


年慶典的聖祭禮儀。(n. 27 §2, 1°-3°)

(9) 於下列日期虔誠地前往有關聖堂或朝聖地點,並誦念天主經及信經各一遍 (n. 33 §1,


(i) 在某教堂或其祭台的祝聖週年前往該教堂

(ii) 到一個由教區主教指定的朝聖地點朝聖:日期可以是 () 上述地點的主保節

日; () 個別信友任選的日期 (各教友每年只限一次) () 每次到上述地


(iii) 在某堂區教堂的主保節日前往該教堂

(iv) 在八月二日到主教座堂或某堂區教堂

(v) 在主教座堂的主保節日、建立聖伯多祿宗座慶日 (二月二十二日) 或聖伯多祿

聖保祿節日 (六月二十九日) 前往主教座堂

(vi) 在某修會或傳教會已列聖品的會祖的節日,前往該會轄下教堂或小堂



(10) 於聖週五參與「紀念救主苦難」的禮儀,並虔誠地朝拜苦像。(n. 13, 1°)

(11) 苦路善工 (n. 13, 2°)


(i) 個別地或集體地,在正式設有苦路十四處的地點履行這善工。參與者 (如為全 體參與者有所不便,則至少主禮者) 應由一處移步至另一處。默想救主的苦難 聖死已足夠,但不必就苦路每一處作專題默想。

(ii) 採用視聽工具,以遙距方式,虔誠地伴隨教宗參與苦路善工。

(iii) 不便親身參與苦路善工的信友,可至少用一段充份時間(例如十五分鐘),虔


(iv) 教區主教可批准等同於拜苦路的其他默想救主苦難的方式 (但仍須依法在場


(12) 於聖週星期六復活節夜間禮儀或紀念領洗週年,以教會認可的任何經文,重宣聖洗

誓詞。(n. 28 §1)

(13) 參與為期至少三整天的退省。(n. 10 §1)

(14) 虔誠地參與普世教會為某特定信仰主題(例如,為推廣司鐸及修會聖召、為病人及

長者的牧靈服務、為加深青少年的信仰及幫助他們度聖善的生活等)而舉行的慶祝 活動。(為上述意向祈禱者可獲有限大赦。)(n. 5)

(15) 在耶穌聖心或聖家的聖相或聖像前,採用認可的經文,虔誠地誦念(若可能,由司 鐸或執事主禮)「奉獻家庭於耶穌聖心」禱文或「奉獻家庭於聖家」禱文。(若該項 奉獻為首次,可獲全大赦,若為奉獻週年,則可獲有限大赦。)(n. 1)

(16) 於基督普世君王節,公開誦念「奉獻人類於基督君王」禱文。(在其他場合誦念,


可獲有限大赦。)(n. 2)

(17) 於耶穌聖心節,公開誦念「向耶穌聖心補辱誦」(Actus Reparationis)。(在其他場

合誦念,可獲有限大赦。)(n. 3)

(18) 宗座遐福 (Benedictio Papalis) (n. 4; 比照《大赦手冊》22 , N. 7, 2°)


(i) 教宗每年降福羅馬及全球信友的場合 (Benedictionem impertitam Urbi et


(ii) 教區主教及依法與他們享有等同身份者,得按照「主教儀節」 (Caeremonialis

Episcoporum) 規定之方式,每年三次,在他任選的慶典中 (不論由他主禮或只

在場參禮),在彌撒結束前,向參禮的轄下信友頒賜附有全大赦的宗座遐福 (


(iii) 那些因合理原因,未克親身參與上述 (i) (ii) 項所提及的活動者,如在活

動進行時,採用視聽工具,以遙距方式,虔敬地以心神參禮,同樣可獲得宗座 遐福所賦予的全大赦。

(19) 為臨終 (in articulo mortis) 的信友 (n. 12 §§1-4)

(i) 司鐸為臨終信友聽告解、傅油及送聖體時,應同時給予該等信友附有全大赦的 宗座遐福。

(ii) 如信友臨終時沒有司鐸在場,只要他們生平慣常祈禱,並在臨終時有適當準



(iii) 信友領受臨終全大赦時如能持着苦像或十字架,則值得嘉許。

(iv) 臨終的信友縱使在同日已藉履行某善工獲得全大赦,仍可獲得臨終全大赦。

(20) 為已亡信友代禱 (n. 29 §1, 1°-2°)


(i) 每年十一月一日至八日任何一日,虔誠地前往某墳場,並至少以默禱方式為所


(ii) 每年十一月二日追思亡者日 (或按教長指定,在十一月一日諸聖節,或該節日




(1) 四項一般頒賜 (Quattuor Concessiones Generaliores) [見《大赦手冊》31-44 ]


(i) 在履行本份及承擔日常生活的辛勞時,舉心向上,謙誠地信賴天主,並起碼以


(ii) 懷著信德和憐憫的心,幫助或賙濟有需要的兄弟姊妹。

(iii) 懷著克己補贖精神,自願放棄可取用的、合乎心意的事物。

(iv) 在日常生活環境中,自願地在他人前公開為信仰作證。

(2) 虔誠地默禱片刻。(n. 15)

(3) 參與每月退省。(n. 10 §2)

(4) 省察己罪(尤其在告解前的省察)並決意定改,或誦念任何認可經文以表達痛悔己


罪。(n. 9, 1°-2°)

(5) 按照任何熱心經文,神領聖體或在領聖體後感謝聖體。(n. 8 §2, 1°-2°)

(6) 虔誠地參與公開舉行的九日敬禮,如聖誕節、聖神降臨節或聖母無原罪慶節之前。

(n. 22, 1°)

(7) 按禮儀日曆,在某位聖人或真福的紀念日或節日,誦念敬禮他(她)的禱文;禱文

可選自彌撒經書或教會當局認可的其他版本。(n. 21 §1)

(8) 虔誠地採用經司鐸或執事祝福的聖物 [即苦像、十字架、聖環 (corona:如玫瑰經


友亦可於聖伯多祿及聖保祿節日,在以教會認可的方式作信德宣言 (Professio Fidei) 後,獲得全大赦。(n. 14; 比照《大赦手冊》24 , N. 15; 113 , N. 17; 114 )

(9) 協助講授要理或學習要理。(n. 6)

(10) 虔誠專注地聆聽聖言宣講 (n. 16 §2)

(11) 信德宣言 (Professio Fidei) 及表達信、望、愛三德 (n. 28 §2, 1°-3°)(i) 以教會認

可的任何方式,個別地重宣聖洗誓詞;或 (ii) 虔誠地劃十字聖號,同時念:「因父

及子及聖神之名,亞孟。」;或 (iii) 虔誠地誦念「宗徒信經」或「尼西信經」;或 (iv) 以教會認可的任何方式,表達信、望、愛三德。

(12) 教區主教可給予的有限大赦:教區主教及依法與他們享有等同身份者,由上任之日


(n. 4; 比照《大赦手冊》22 , N. 7, 1°)


聖神七恩會規:( 暫訂) 本人是confraternity of penitent Franciscan third order member. 我是美國方濟會成員。 聖神七恩會規是參照confraternity of penitent Franciscan third orde...