2020年11月13日 星期五

The secret of the rosary

 From “ The secret of the rosary by St Montfort”.

The whole book can be found on web site



One day, our Lord said to Blessed Alan, “ If only these poor sinners would say my rosary often, they would share in the merits of my passion and I would be their advocate and appease the divine justice.”



St Augustine assures us that there is no spiritual exercise more fruitful or more useful for our salvation than to think frequently about the sufferings of our Lord.


St Albert the Great, who taught St. Thomas Aquinas, learned in a revelation that by simply thinking of or meditating on the Passion of Jesus Christ Christians can gain more merit than if they had fasted on bread and water every Friday for a whole year, or had beaten themselves with their discipline once a week till the blood flowed, or had said the whole book of psalms every day .


If such is the case, then how great must be the merit we can gain from the Rosary, which commemorates the whole life and Passion of our Lord.


One day , the holy Virgin revealed to blessed Alan that next to the Holy sacrifice of the mass, which is the most important and the living memorial of the passion of Jesus Christ , there is no devotion more excellent and more meritorious than the Rosary , which is like a second memorial of the life and Passion of Jesus Christ.


Father Dorland says that in 1481 the blessed Virgin appeared Venerable Dominic , a Carthusian devoted to the Holy Rosary , who lived at Treves, and said to him, “ whenever one of the faithful who is in the state of grace says the Rosary while mediating on the Life and Passion of Jesus Christ, he obtains the full remission of all his sins.”


She also said to Blessed Alan: “ Although there are numerous indulgences attached to my Rosary, I will add many more to every fifty Hail Mary’s ( each group of five decades) for people who say them in the state of grace and devoutly on their knees. And whoever perseveres in the devotion of the Holy Rosary , with its prayers and meditations, will be rewarded : I will obtain the full remission of the penalty and guilt for all his sins at the end of his life.

Do not be unbelieving, as though what I say is impossible. It is easy for me to do it because I am the mother of the King of Heaven . and he calls me full of grace. Being full of grace, I am able to dispense grace freely to my dear children”



The devil said:

“ We are forced to confess that not one soul that has persevered in her service has ever been damned with us. Just one sigh that the blessed Virgin Mary offers to the blessed Trinity is worth more than all the prayers, vows, and aspirations of all the saints.

We fear her more than all the other saints together and we have no success against her faithful servants. In fact, many Christians who call upon her when they are at the hour of death and who really deserve to be damned according to our ordinary standards are saved by her intercession.”




When the rosary is said in common, it is far more frightening to the devil than one said privately , because it constitutes an army that is attacking him. HE can easily overcome the prayer of an individual , but if this prayer is joined to that of other Christians, the devil finds it much more difficult to overcome. It is easy to break a single stick, but if you join it to others to make a bundle, it cannot be broken.



We must join perseverance in prayer to our confidence. Only those who persevere in asking, seeking, and knocking will receive, find, and enter. It is not enough to ask God for certain graces only for a month, a year, ten or even twenty years, we must never grow weary of asking.

2020年11月1日 星期日


取錄自  耶穌苦難 , 河北信德社




吾主耶穌曾對一個有大德行的熱心教友說過,  你該知道, 世人無論作什麼悅樂我心的事, 總沒有比紀念我的苦難及我的五傷再好的善功了. 若是世人常紀念我為救世人所受的萬苦, 末了又死在十字架上的苦難, 又紀念我現在仍把我的五傷顯露, 作世人的中保, 他們就能得極大的恩典. 若是一個人熱心地看苦像, 就該想我向他說: 請看, 我為你赤身露體在十字架上懸着, 渾身盡傷, 被眾人所棄. 他想到這裏, 起了知恩報愛的心, 這就準備他的靈魂多得我的神恩吧! 不拘什麼人, 為賠補我因世人所受的各種輕慢侮辱, 而發一個愛我的善情, 我要安慰他, 把魔鬼趕跑, 不受誘惑的害.”


吾主耶穌曾向一個熱心教友說過: 凡誠心默想我的苦難的人, 能得以下七樣恩典: (1) 能得罪之赦 (2) 他能用默想我苦難的功勞, 補上他在盡本分方面的缺欠. (3) 他默想我的苦難, 我堅固他, 戰勝救靈魂上的仇敵.(4) 他幾次想我的苦難, 就幾次得我的聖寵 (5) 他若誠心求為他救靈魂有益處的事, 我沒有不允的.(6) 我要把他領到成全德行的地步上.(7) 他臨終的時候, 我要幫助他, 保護他, 不受仇敵之害, 准許他升天堂.


吾主耶穌向聖女日多達說過: 無論那個教友, 多次默想我的苦難, 就是他心裏有一點冷淡, 我還是用仁慈對待他. 聖伯爾納多說: 想耶穌的苦難, 同神領聖體有一樣的功勞. 吾主耶穌向真福荔叟說過: 你默想我的苦難, 不能掉眼淚, 心裏難過想也行, 你依賴着我的苦難, 能得很多的神恩, 你默想我的苦難, 心裏也不覺着悲痛, 就用乾枯的心默想吧! 你這樣的默想, 令我的心很歡樂, 如同你動了心掉眼淚一樣地教我喜歡.


吾主耶穌向聖女路加德說過: 世人什麼都愛, 就是不愛我, 什麼都不恨, 就是恨我. 我的仇人就是沒有愛我的心, 總不想我的苦難. 他們連一次也沒有在心裏說過: 吾主耶穌你救贖了我們, 我們感謝你. 這等人怎能得我的歡心呢? 我取了人性, 是要用我說的話, 我行的事, 給世人立表樣, 教他們效法我. 可惜, 世人把我說的話, 我行的事, 差不多全忘了. 都是因為他們犯的罪太多, 如同用布把眼蒙着一樣.


有一次聖女路加德看見耶穌審一個靈魂, 就聽見耶穌守着一群天神說: 我不認得這個靈魂, 因為他在世上沒有可憐我肋旁的聖傷, 他看見我的心被鐵長槍刺透了, 也不動心, 如同我是他的仇人一樣. 為這個緣故, 我也不可憐他. 就是天上的星辰, 都變成舌頭, 求我發仁慈或全天堂上的聖人們, 都來求情, 這個靈魂還是應該下地獄.” 這些話都是聽見耶穌親口說的.


聖亞爾風索主教說過: 常默想耶穌的苦難, 不比一年常守大齋的功勞小.


英國一位主教聖愛德門, 他還小的時候有一次在外遊逛, 忽然看見吾主耶穌穿看紅白兩樣衣裳借着孩子的形象發顯給他, 囑咐他說: 天天默想我的言行苦難, 各端道理, 這樣就可多得天主的恩典, 不順從魔鬼的誘惑, 能修成各樣的德行, 能得善終.” 耶穌說完這些話, 忽然不見了, 愛德門遵命做了, 成了聖人.


傳說耶穌升天後, 聖女瑪達肋納, 在曠野隱修了三十二年的功夫, 吾主耶穌教訓她, 默想耶穌苦難的益處最大.就打發聖彌額爾天神, 拿看一個大十字架, 插在她住的洞口外邊. 聖女果然天天默想耶穌的苦難.



吾主耶穌向聖婦物洛尼加說過: 我願意世人盡心默想我的苦難, 心裏難受我的苦難. 他們想我的苦難, 只要流一滴淚, ,天主就看他所流的一滴淚, 歡樂無比, 這個喜歡有多大, 是人的口舌說不來的.


吾主耶穌向聖女瑪達肋納巴齊說: 若是你每瞻禮六( 即星期五) 紀念我咽氣的光景, 准要得另外的神恩, 就是你感覺不到神恩, 還確實得了.


聖奧斯說: 你默想耶穌的苦難流一滴淚, 所立的功勞比守一個主日的大齋, 只吃干粮( 白麵包) 喝白水的功勞更大.



聖文都拉說: 你在德行道路上, 願意往前進, 該天天默想耶穌苦難 , 為了修成全的德行, 無論行什麼善功, 都不如默想耶穌的苦難好.



吾主耶穌向聖女默弟德說過: 有人默想我的苦難, 只因可憐我, 嘆息一聲, 我就覺着如同他用一朵很好看的玫瑰花, 擦了我的傷一樣, 我就從我的聖傷射出一支愛德的箭來, 中了他的靈魂. 有人可憐我的苦難流淚, 我就覺得他替我死了一樣, 末日我要叫他復活.



吾主耶穌向聖婦安日拉說過: 誰願意得天主的聖寵, 他的眼該常看苦像. 他無論受憂苦, 或歡樂時, 總不該忘記我的苦難. 凡紀念我的聖死, 盡心默想我苦難的人, 他真是我的兒女. 不默想我的苦難的人, 不是我真兒女, 只是虛名罷了. 你們和我同苦同憂同行的人, 你們是我聖父降福的人, 我為救你們不受地獄永苦, 替你還了賬, 替你們死了, 我用我的血, 洗淨你們靈魂上的罪污, 凡紀念我聖死的人, 是我聖父所降福的, 後來你們同我一樣復活. 我的權能, 光榮, 也有你們的份子. 你們是聖父聖神降福的人, 你們就在天堂上, 承受永遠失不了的産業. 我當初來到我所造的世界上, 我的仇人沒有收留我, 他們見我餓了渴了, 見我手足被鐵釘穿透了, 他們捨棄了我, 你們就把我收留在你們的心裏, 安慰我. 到公審判的日子, 我就向你們說, 你們是我父所降福的, 請來承受天國, 這個天國是從創世以來為你們預備了的. 因為我餓了, 你們和我同苦同憂, 就算給了我吃的.


由上所述, 即知默想耶穌苦難為救靈修德中悅天主有多大的效力.


聖神七恩會規:( 暫訂) 本人是confraternity of penitent Franciscan third order member. 我是美國方濟會成員。 聖神七恩會規是參照confraternity of penitent Franciscan third orde...