2023年6月6日 星期二

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1. What is the Purple Scapular?

The Purple Scapular is a sacramental object primarily used for display on a wall in a home. It consists of two purple wool panels connected by cords. It is a heavenly gift which promises divine protection for your family against natural disasters, storms, supernatural chastisements, and even intruders.

2. What is the history of the Purple Scapular?

In 1878 the Purple Scapular was given to the world by the Mother of God in a vision to the approved French mystic, Marie-Julie Jahenny. Jesus also appeared to Marie-Julie with explanations and promises regarding this scapular.

3. Is the Purple Scapular known by another name?

Yes. The full name is the Purple Scapular of Benediction and Protection.

4. What are the promises and protections of the Purple Scapular?

Our Lady promised Marie-Julie that those who possess this scapular “will see their family and home protected… from fires, chastisements, storms, and darkness. They will have light as if it were plain day.”

Crucially, it is also “like a lightning rod beneath which the blows of divine wrath will not strike.”

Our Lord revealed that those who reverently use it “will be spared the troubles of the soul” and “will be sheltered from danger as if they already possess heaven.”

5. How can I receive the divine protections of the Purple Scapular?

You can display, carry, or wear the Purple Scapular. Most people display this scapular on a wall near the entrance of the home. You can also wear it or carry it with you in your pocket, in a handbag, in your car, and so on.

6. What is one of the easiest ways to learn about the history and promises of the Purple Scapular as well as the meanings of the specific images as Jesus and Mary explained them?

Each of the two Purple Scapular panels present multiple and detailed Catholic images of the Passion and Death of Christ, with a focus on the Thirteenth Station of the Cross, when Jesus, now expired, was held in his mother’s arms.

To this day, seeing a Purple Scapular in the home of a friend or relative is how most people discover this divine insurance policy for families. We believe, like the crucifix or an image of Mary, it is destined to be a fixture in every Catholic household. By displaying one on your wall, you are helping fulfill the desire of Jesus and his mother for every home to be graced with a Purple Scapular, which, until our times, was largely hidden from the world.

7. Do I need to say special prayers?

Yes. Brief prayers were given directly to Marie-Julie Jahenny by Our Lady and by Jesus. The Purple Scapular available from the Mary Foundation comes with a religious card featuring the official Purple Scapular Prayers.

‘It should be in a place where you will see it on a daily basis that is also appropriate for an important religious item.

The most popular location is a wall near the entrance of the home, which will allow you to gaze upon your Purple Scapular every time you come and go. Doing this will help you sense the consolations of protection associated with the Purple Scapular as well as serve for a reminder to offer the simple prayers.


"O, Crux Ave! Spes unica! Et Verbum caro factum est! O Jesus, vanquisher of death, save us!"


(Translation: O hail to the Cross! Our only hope! And the Word was made flesh.) The first part must be said in Latin as it was given in Latin.

(You can also choose your living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom, or an area designated for prayer.)




聖神七恩會規:( 暫訂) 本人是confraternity of penitent Franciscan third order member. 我是美國方濟會成員。 聖神七恩會規是參照confraternity of penitent Franciscan third orde...