2023年6月15日 星期四

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 On February 11, 2013, exorcist Father Gabriel Armoth, forced the Devil to confess his diabolic plans for humanity and the Church.

Exorcist: “In the name of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, I order you to tell the truth about what is happening to the Church of Christ.”

Demoniac/Lucifer: “This pains me. The mere hearing of her name is for me and for us demons an infinite torment. I do not want to speak, but the High Lady forces me to answer you lousy priest! The Catholic Church is under attack! The powers of darkness are unleashed against the Bride of what we hung on the Cross.   That One up there is about to return to earth, I don’t know where or when, but I feel that day is very, very, very close.

I concentrate all my energies to channel my billions of demons against the Apostolic See. Corruption is not enough, greed for money is not enough, it is not enough to provoke scandals, a battle must be waged that has as its final result the destruction of the so-called Church of Rome.”

Exorcist: “In the name of Christ, tell me what do you want to do against the sweet Bride of God?”

Demoniac/Lucifer: “It is two thousand years since we fallen angels with the help of men of the Church and politicians we try to mortally strike that terrible invention of the Nazarene. Unfortunately we have not yet succeeded, because She belongs to the Almighty. But we don’t give up. We will continue to hit it, to make it bleed, we must come to occupy the throne of the Vicar of the One nailed to the cross. By hook or by crook. Whatever it takes. We are working to depopulate the seminaries, to close the convents.”

Exorcist: “In the name of Almighty God, I order you to tell me what you are trying to do and organize?”

Demoniac/Lucifer: “Nooooooo! I do not want to tell you that.”

Exorcist: “I order you by the Most Precious Blood of Christ, to tell me what I have asked of you.”

Demoniac/Lucifer: “That One up there is tired of your sins. He is disgusted with the action of men. You are drowned in sin. Most of humanity is mine, spiritually dead and unable to rise again.

By now many cardinals, bishops, priests, are in total disagreement with the tradition of your Church. We want confusion, dissociation, division inside and outside the Petrine See, as you call it.”

Exorcist: “In the name of the Holy Martyrs, of Saint Pio, of Saint Bernadette, tell me the truth about the future of the Church of Rome.”

Demoniac/Lucifer: “I have a goal: to drag as many souls as possible into my realm of torment. I want to take revenge for my expulsion from heaven, by snatching souls from Him. This is my eternal revenge.

I can tell you that we will provoke a terrible attack on the Roman Church, we will make its walls tremble. We gave birth to the economic crisis to impoverish the world population, discourage those who pray and instill the poison of estrangement from Him. Today, the earth is completely invaded by my fallen angels, and if you could see with the eyes of the spirit, you would realize that it is all dark. Totally dark. If you saw the infernal monsters acting around the world you would die of fear for the horrible shape they have. Yet you don’t believe it.

That One up there is sad because every day she sees many of her children falling to hell, despite her continuous appearances, which hardly anyone believes. Her tears shed for the pitiful state in which many souls live, are about to end and will leave room for the punishments of heaven.”

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 Our Guardian Angels at Holy Mass

During the Mass, you can ask your guardian angel to present your prayers to God at the Offertory part of the Mass when the gifts are brought up.

According to "The Testimony of Catalina on the Holy Mass":

"Some of them [guardian angels] were carrying something like a golden bowl with something that shone a great deal with a golden-white light. The Virgin Mary said: "They are the Guardian Angels of the people who are offering this Holy Mass for many intentions, those who are conscious of what this celebration means. They have something to offer the Lord.."

"Offer yourselves at this moment... offer your sorrows, your pains, your hopes, your sadness, your joys, your petitions. Remember that the Mass has infinite value. Therefore, be generous in offering and in asking."

"Behind the first Angels came others who had nothing in their hands; they were coming empty handed. The Virgin Mary said: "Those are the angels of the people who are here but never offer anything. They have no interest in living each liturgical moment of the Mass and they have no gifts to carry before the Altar of the Lord."

"At the end of the procession came other angels who were rather sad, with their hands joined in prayer but with their eyes downcast. "These are the Guardian Angels of the people who are here but do not want to be, that is to say of the people who have been forced to come here, who have come out of obligation but without any desire to participate in the Holy Mass. The angels go forth sadly because they have nothing to carry to the Altar, except for their own prayers."

"Do not sadden your Guardian Angel. Ask for much, ask for the conversion of sinners, for peace in the world, for your families, your neighbors, for those who ask for your prayers. Ask, ask for much, but not only for yourselves, but for everyone else.

2023年6月6日 星期二

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1. What is the Purple Scapular?

The Purple Scapular is a sacramental object primarily used for display on a wall in a home. It consists of two purple wool panels connected by cords. It is a heavenly gift which promises divine protection for your family against natural disasters, storms, supernatural chastisements, and even intruders.

2. What is the history of the Purple Scapular?

In 1878 the Purple Scapular was given to the world by the Mother of God in a vision to the approved French mystic, Marie-Julie Jahenny. Jesus also appeared to Marie-Julie with explanations and promises regarding this scapular.

3. Is the Purple Scapular known by another name?

Yes. The full name is the Purple Scapular of Benediction and Protection.

4. What are the promises and protections of the Purple Scapular?

Our Lady promised Marie-Julie that those who possess this scapular “will see their family and home protected… from fires, chastisements, storms, and darkness. They will have light as if it were plain day.”

Crucially, it is also “like a lightning rod beneath which the blows of divine wrath will not strike.”

Our Lord revealed that those who reverently use it “will be spared the troubles of the soul” and “will be sheltered from danger as if they already possess heaven.”

5. How can I receive the divine protections of the Purple Scapular?

You can display, carry, or wear the Purple Scapular. Most people display this scapular on a wall near the entrance of the home. You can also wear it or carry it with you in your pocket, in a handbag, in your car, and so on.

6. What is one of the easiest ways to learn about the history and promises of the Purple Scapular as well as the meanings of the specific images as Jesus and Mary explained them?

Each of the two Purple Scapular panels present multiple and detailed Catholic images of the Passion and Death of Christ, with a focus on the Thirteenth Station of the Cross, when Jesus, now expired, was held in his mother’s arms.

To this day, seeing a Purple Scapular in the home of a friend or relative is how most people discover this divine insurance policy for families. We believe, like the crucifix or an image of Mary, it is destined to be a fixture in every Catholic household. By displaying one on your wall, you are helping fulfill the desire of Jesus and his mother for every home to be graced with a Purple Scapular, which, until our times, was largely hidden from the world.

7. Do I need to say special prayers?

Yes. Brief prayers were given directly to Marie-Julie Jahenny by Our Lady and by Jesus. The Purple Scapular available from the Mary Foundation comes with a religious card featuring the official Purple Scapular Prayers.

‘It should be in a place where you will see it on a daily basis that is also appropriate for an important religious item.

The most popular location is a wall near the entrance of the home, which will allow you to gaze upon your Purple Scapular every time you come and go. Doing this will help you sense the consolations of protection associated with the Purple Scapular as well as serve for a reminder to offer the simple prayers.


"O, Crux Ave! Spes unica! Et Verbum caro factum est! O Jesus, vanquisher of death, save us!"


(Translation: O hail to the Cross! Our only hope! And the Word was made flesh.) The first part must be said in Latin as it was given in Latin.

(You can also choose your living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom, or an area designated for prayer.)

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Devotion revealed to Marie-Julie Jahenny 

(mystic approved in 1875).


Our Lord showed her this gaping, open Wound and revealed its depth: 

“The Pain is incomprehensible in the hearts of My children!  How this devotion pleases and consoles Me, how often have the prayers of these Wounds risen to My Heart and have torn (open) the (way of) salvation for souls entrusted to Hell.” (May 17, 1878)   

(That is, devotion to the Holy Wound has saved souls from damnation by granting the graces for salvation.)  

Promises and graces revealed to Marie-Julie Jahenny for those who honour His Sacred Wound of the Shoulder:

1 - “I will bless all the souls who propagate this devotion: I grant them abundant graces.” (March 29, 1878)

2 - “O souls who love Me, who propagate this devotion, I take you under My protection, I keep you under the mantle of My affection.” (March 29, 1878)

3 - “I will dispel the darkness that will come to their heart.” (December 28, 1877)

4 - “I will console them in their pains.” “I will come in the midst of their greatest afflictions, to enlighten, to comfort them.” (February 8, 1878) (28 December 1877,February 8 and April 12, 1878)

5 - “I will come to bless them in their undertakings.” (March 29, 1878)

6 - “I will give them a tender love for the Cross.  I will come to assist them at the time of death, with this cross and I will introduce them into My Heavenly Kingdom.” (April 12, 1878)

7 - “I will sweeten their agony.” (December 28, 1877). “I will come at the hour of death. I will console them in their passage.” (February 8, 1878).  

 “Especially at the hour of death, I will come to give them a sweet moment of calm and tranquillity. I will tell them: 'O good holy soul, who has spread this devotion (knowing) that I had so much at heart that it be made known, come to receive the reward of your labours, the fruit of blessing.'.” (March 29, 1878)

8 - “I will shelter them, I will assist them, I will console all the souls that seek to propagate this Sacred Wound. At the time of death, I will console the souls that have compensated Me by their devotion and compassion to the Wound so deep and painful. I will come to strengthen them in their final fears.  I will come and prepare their passage: Thank you, you who have compensated Me for My pains.” (May 17,1878)

9 - “See,” Jesus said, pointing to His Sacred Wound with extreme tenderness, “all My children who have recognised this Wound, who have venerated it, have prayed to it, will have on the Last Day a great and generous reward.   I do not simply show it, I pronounce it.  My Word is Divine.” (May 17, 1878)


It is related in the annals of Clairvaux that St. Bernard asked Our Lord which was His greatest unrecorded suffering and Our Lord answered: "I had on My Shoulder, while I bore My Cross on the Way of Sorrows, a grievous Wound, which was more painful than the others and which is not recorded by men. Honor this Wound with thy devotion and I will grant thee whatsoever thou dost ask through Its virtue and merit. And in regard to all those who shall venerate this Wound, I will remit to them all their venial sins and will no longer remember their mortal sins."

This revelation and promise of Our Dear Savior is another proof of His unlimited mercy. You are urged to say these prayers daily and to promulgate this prayer on a continuous basis, so that others may share in this blessing.

Prayer to the Holy Shoulder Wound-

"O Loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I miserable sinner, salute and worship the most Sacred Wound of Thy Shoulder on which Thou didst bear Thy heavy Cross, which so tore Thy flesh and laid bare Thy Bones as to inflict on Thee an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy Most Blessed Body.  I adore Thee, O Jesus most sorrowful; I praise and glorify Thee, and give Thee thanks for this most sacred and painful Wound, beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy Cross to be merciful to me, a sinner, to forgive me all my mortal and venial sins, and to lead me on towards Heaven along the Way of Thy Cross. Amen."

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 "Most of the saved pass through Purgatory before arriving at the fullness of beatitude." ~Padre Pio.

Our Lady said; “Thus you grow, O flowers cultivated by me in my garden, because you receive the beauty and the perfume of your Mother. Then, accompanied by the angels and the saints of paradise, and with the prayer of the souls in purgatory, I present myself each day before the throne of God to offer Him ever larger bouquets of these flowers from my garden.”

Message No 133

TITLED My Property

a. "If you remain in the garden of my Immaculate Heart, you become my property. Thus, no one can any longer take you away from me, because I myself am your defense; you should always feel safe.

b. You must no longer fear either Satan, or the world, or the frailty of your nature.

c. Certainly you will experience that seduction and that temptation which the Lord permits as a test to allow you to experience the extent of your weakness.

d. But I will defend you from the Evil One, who can do nothing to harm those who are part of my property.

e. Then gently I cultivate you till each one of you becomes that kind of garden in which, as in mine, the divine splendor of the Trinity can be reflected.

f. I form you with maternal solicitude. With my own hands, I root out from you whatever might, in any way, be displeasing to the Lord.

g. The Spirit in whom I am clothed is like a fire which consumes everything within you, so that there remain not even a shadow which might bedim that beauty to which your heavenly Mother wishes to bring you. I want to make you a most pure transparency of God.

h. And then, I am strengthening in you those virtues which are like roots on which depends any possibility of your growth: faith, hope and charity. Round about these, I am giving you, as ornaments, all those other virtues which have made your Mother beautiful in the sight of God.

i. And in the measure that you open yourself more and more to the light of God, I am sprinkling upon you the balm of my perfume: humility, confidence, self-abandonment.



l. When you have become like this, then all the Church will become my garden, in which the Divine Trinity will take delight in being reflected.

m. The Father will rejoice to see the design of his creation perfectly realized in it. The Son will dwell with you, into whose midst the reign of the Father has already come. The Holy Spirit will be Life Itself, in a world reconsecrated to the glory of God.

n. This will be the triumph of my Immaculate Heart."

2023年6月2日 星期五

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O Most Holy Virgin, and Our Mother, we listen with grief to the complaints of your Immaculate Heart surrounded with the thorns placed therein at every moment by the blasphemies and ingratitude of ungrateful humanity. We are moved by the ardent desire of loving you as Our Mother and of promising a true devotion to Your Immaculate Heart.

We therefore kneel before You to manifest the sorrow we feel for the grievances that people cause You, and to atone by our prayers and sacrifices for the offenses with which they return your love. Obtain for them and for us the pardon of so many sins. Hasten the conversion of sinners that they may love Jesus Christ and cease to offend the Lord, already so much offended. Turn you eyes of mercy toward us, that we may love God with all our heart on earth and enjoy Him forever in Heaven.

"O my Jesus, I offer this for love of Thee, for the conversion of sinners, and in reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary. (Sacrifice Prayer)


Our Lady of Fatima Promises all the Graces Necessary for Heaven

if a Catholic Finishes the Five First Saturdays Devotion

"Whether the world has war or peace depends on the practice of this devotion, along with the consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This is why I desire its propagation so ardently, especially because this is also the will of our dear Mother in Heaven." -Sr. Lucy (March 19, 1939)

During her July apparition at Fatima, Our Lady said to Lucia, “I shall come to ask... that on the First Saturday of every month, Communions of reparation be made in atonement for the sins of the world.” Although she made no further mention of this devotion at Fatima, on December 10, 1925, our Blessed Mother again appeared to Lucia at Pentevedra, Spain, where the seer had been sent to the Dorothean Sisters to learn to read and write. It was there Our Lady completed her request for the Five First Saturdays and gave her great promise.

Appearing with the Queen of Heaven in that apparition was the Infant Jesus, Who said to Lucia: “Have pity on the Heart of your Most Holy Mother. It is covered with thorns with which ungrateful men pierce it at every moment, and there is no one to remove them with an act of reparation.”

Our Lady then spoke: “See, my daughter, my Heart encircled by thorns with which ungrateful men pierce it at every moment by their blasphemies and ingratitude. Do you, at least, strive to console me. Tell them that I promise to assist at the hour of death with the graces necessary for salvation all those who, in order to make reparation to me, on the First Saturday of five successive months, go to confession, receive Holy Communion, say five decades of the Rosary, and keep me company for a quarter of an hour, meditating on the fifteen mysteries of the Rosary.”

The elements of this devotion, therefore, consist in the following four points, all of which must be offered in reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. One should make this intention before carrying out Our Lady’s requests. A renewal of the actual intention at the time is best; however, if such an intention is made now, it will fulfill the requirements if, for instance, the actual intention is forgotten at the time of confession.

Confession: This confession can be made before the First Saturday or afterward, provided that Holy Communion be received in the state of grace. In 1926, Christ in a vision explained to Lucia that this confession could be made a week before or even more, and that it should be offered in reparation.

Holy Communion: Before receiving Holy Communion, it is likewise necessary to offer it in reparation to Our Lady. Our Lord told Lucia in 1930, “This Communion will be accepted on the following Sunday for just reasons, if my priests allow it so.” So if work or school, sickness, or another just reason prevents the Communion on a First Saturday, with this permission it may be received the following Sunday. If Communion is transferred, any or all of the other acts of the devotion may also be performed on Sunday if the person so desires.

Rosary: The Rosary is a vocal prayer said while meditating upon the mysteries of Our Lord’s life and Passion and Our Lady’s life. To comply with the request of our Blessed Mother, it must be offered in reparation and said properly while meditating.

15-minute meditation: Also offered in reparation, the meditation may embrace one or more mysteries; it may include all, taken together or separately. This meditation should be the richest of any meditation, because Our Lady promised to be present when she said “...those who keep me company....”

To those who faithfully follow Our Lady’s requests for the Five First Saturdays, she has made a wonderful promise which she, as Mediatrix of All Graces, will certainly fulfill: “I promise to assist at the hour of death with the graces necessary for salvation.” This means that our Blessed Mother will be present at the hour of death with the actual grace of final perseverance, (which after the gift/grace of Faith), is the most important grace.

After completing the Five First Saturdays, one may continue the devotion simply to console the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady. A tender love of our Blessed Mother will lead one to do all he can to make reparation for the sins which pierce her Immaculate Heart. Let us remember, too, that although Our Lady made this promise to those who would observe five such First Saturdays in succession, in her July apparition she asked simply that Communions of reparation be made on every First Saturday to atone for the sins of the world.

The observance of the first Saturday in honor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is intended to make reparation to it for the sins of mankind. This devotion was revealed by the Blessed Virgin to three children, Francisco, Jacinta and Lucia to whom she appeared at Fatima, Portugal, in 1917. On June 13, 1917, Our Lady specifically stated in speaking to Lucia: "Jesus wants to make use of you to make me known and loved. He wants to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart.

Our Lady repeated this in the July 13th apparition when, after the vision of Hell that was granted to the three children, she said: "You have seen Hell, where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace." Our Lady asks for reparation.

"There are so many souls whom the Justice of God condemns for sins committed against me, that I have come to ask reparation;" reparation to this Heart for the sins of mankind, in particular the five kinds of offenses and blasephemies against the Immaculate Heart of Mary, namely:

1. Blasphemies against the Immaculate Conception

2. Blasphemies against her perpetual virginity

3. Blasphemeies against the divine and spiritual maternity of Mary

4. Blasphemies involving the rejection and dishonoring of her images

5. The neglect of implanting in the hearts of children a knowledge and love of this Immaculate Mother

"O my Jesus, I offer this for love of Thee, for the conversion of sinners, and in reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary. (Sacrifice Prayer) 


2023年6月1日 星期四

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A letter written in old age 

I do not pray that you may be delivered from your pains, but I pray God earnestly that He would give you strength and patience to bear them as long as He pleases.   Comfort yourself with Him who holds you fastened to the cross. He will loose you when He thinks fit.  Happy those who suffer with Him.  Accustom yourself to suffer in that manner and seek from Him the strength to endure as much, and as long,as He shall judge to be necessary for you. The men of the world do not comprehend these truths, nor is it to be wondered at, since they suffer like what they are, and not like  Christians. They consider sickness as a pain to nature, and not as a favor from God; and seeing it only in that light, they find nothing in it but grief and stress. But those who consider sickness as coming from the hand of God, as the effect of His mercy, and the means which He employs for their salvation—such commonly find in it great sweetness and sensible consolation.

I wish you could convince yourself that God is often (in some sense) nearer to us, and more effectually present with us, in sickness than in health. Rely upon no other physician; for, according to my apprehension, He reserves your cure to Himself.  Put , then, all your trust in Him, and you will soon find the effects of it in your recovery, which we often retard by putting greater confidence in physique than in God.

Whatever remedies you make use of, they will succeed only so far as He permits. Whey pains come from God, He only can cure them. He often sends diseases of the body to cure those of the soul. Comfort yourself with the sovereign Physician both of the soul and body.

Be satisfied with the condition in which God places you: however happy you may think me, I envy you. Pains and suffering would be a paradise to me while I should suffer with my God, and the greatest pleasures would be hell to me if I could relish them without Him.  All my consolation would be to suffer something for His sake.

I must in a little time, go to God. What comforts me in this life is that I now see Him by faith; and I see Him in such a manner as might make me say sometimes, I believe no more, but I see. I feel what faith teaches us, and in that assurance and that practice of faith I will live and die with Him.

Continue, then always with God; it is the only support and comfort for your affliction.  I shall beseech Him to be with you.  I present my service.—Brother Lawrence

Arise From Darkness 

By Father Benedict Groeschel


聖神七恩會規:( 暫訂) 本人是confraternity of penitent Franciscan third order member. 我是美國方濟會成員。 聖神七恩會規是參照confraternity of penitent Franciscan third orde...