2022年5月23日 星期一

Benedictine oblate, another way to affiliate with monastic life


以上這間Benedictine oblate 收網上外國教友作初學生直到入會。在網上培訓, 不用開會。

歐美的benedictine oblate大多要開會, 因此香港人參加不到


參加了benedictine oblate就不可參加confraternity of penitent Franciscan third order.

我本人是confraternity of penitent Franciscan third order, 但我私下有跟benedictine oblate rules 生活。

可以到Amazon website買confraternity of penitent Franciscan third order handbook and benedict handbook 了解兩會。

Amazon website現收現金, 不只收信用卡, 透過西聯Western Union付款就可。 Western Union可在各郵局付款。----------------------

以下是另一間benedictine oblate 的rules: 每間的rules 差不多。


1.  To live in the spirit of the Rule of St Benedict.

2.  To participate in Holy Mass whenever possible.

3.  To say the Morning Offering of Mother Foundress daily.

4.  To say at least Lauds and Compline from the Liturgy of the Hours (Divine Office).  If prevented, to say the Rosary.

5.  To make 15 minutes personal prayer daily (when convenient, before the Blessed Sacrament).

6.  Each month to make half an hour's personal prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

7.  To renew the Oblation annually on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart, and notify the Director of Oblates that this has been done.



在benedict rules, 吃肉meat 解作四隻腳的動物。 例如牛豬。 雞鴨是可吃。 魚不是肉, 是守齋。病人可吃肉, 即四隻腳動物。

在carmelite 我問過 nuns, sabbatine privilege 週三和六不可吃肉是指熱血動物。

Carmelite 週一至六不吃肉, 也不吃雞鴨。 吃魚和豆。 週日不守齋, 可吃肉

我的third order ( 可能Franciscan 不同order 不同rules), tues, thurs , sun can eat meat and fish . Other days only fish and beans

Sabbatine privilege 不只nuns 守, 是戴聖衣想要週六特恩守的, 可以死後第一週六出離煉獄, 若下煉獄的話。 加上要守貞潔一生( 單身或結婚者)

Sabbatine privilege:

1. Wear brown scapular

2. Keep chastity

3. One of the three of below :

No meat on wed and sat

Five decades of rosary

Little office of mary

Benedict 也有幾個branches

 有些branch 連雞鴨也不吃的

Medjugorje Mary 顯現話

The best fast is bread and water.

她當年和耶穌在世時也一週二天bread and water fasting.

She says, those who are sick are exempt from fasting.

She says in apparition, eating fish is not a fast. We should not eat fish on fasting days.


聖神七恩會規:( 暫訂) 本人是confraternity of penitent Franciscan third order member. 我是美國方濟會成員。 聖神七恩會規是參照confraternity of penitent Franciscan third orde...